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Pastor Mario's Cuban Medical Support

"When a soul is sad, only a noble heart hears its cry"

~ A Note from Pastor Mario Gonzalez in Cuba ~


Dear Friends, our social networks do not show the current reality that is being experienced here in Cuba. Someone said: we are at war. No one ever imagined, not even in dreams, all of the horrors that the entire nation is experiencing today! The current struggle is against something that we do not see, that is killing many people and we have no weapons to face it. The COVID-19 Virus and now, also many variants.


When we gaze upon our social networks, we rarely see posts with photos of gatherings with friends or family anymore. No one posts beautiful photos or comments or jokes. Now it's an #SOS. Now, the only thing we see are desperate people asking for or buying any medicine at any price in the hope of saving the life of a loved one.


I've spent many days thinking about how to approach this project. I think I'll be direct and honest. My people are dying. I have already had to mourn two members of my family who have died for lack of an ambulance.


Will you please help me buy this car (which has good capacity) so that I can convert it and let it be used as an ambulance in the town where I was born, grew up and met Jesus? I beg you with tears in my eyes to help me buy and transform this car into something that will help and save many people. Your donation can help to Rent or even to Buy ($18,000) this transportation. Help me to make this dream to help my people a reality.


Checks can be made payable to TUMC with “Mario’s Ambulance” written in the memo line.

Holding Hands

Tillamook Ecumenical Committee (TEC)

Tillamook  Ecumenical Community calls God’s people of many faiths together in worship, charitable works and fellowship.  We challenge people of all faiths to respond to God’s call for unity and love, while actively rejecting the divisiveness of hate, violence and prejudice.  We are committed to peaceful interaction, mutual respect and positive experiences among God’s people, recognizing that each faith retains its integrity as a member of TEC.


To fulfill the TEC mission it brings people of different faith communities in Tillamook together in the following ways:


  • Worship – Plan and conduct a series of Lenten soup suppers, a community Thanksgiving service, and a community ecumenical Good Friday service.


  • Charitable Works – We raise funds to assist people with emergency housing needs, coordinate the “Christmas Basket” program in Central Tillamook County to provide food and gifts for needy families, and participate with  other churches and agencies to meet the needs of the poor in our community through our “Helping Others Fund” which assist people in Tillamook County for needs, such as:  rent & housing, electric & other utilities, transportation, and medical fees.


  • Fellowship – In bringing the faith communities together in worship and charitable works fellowship happens in a wonderful way.


Participating Faith Communities of TEC:  Sacred Heart Catholic Church, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, St. John’s United Church of Christ, St. Peter Lutheran Church, and Tillamook United Methodist Church.


Contact the TEC Helping Others Fund by calling St Alban's Episcopal Church: 1-503-842-6192


Donate to the TEC Helping Others Fund by using our Giving page and making a note in your donation delineating this fund.


St. Alban's Episcopal -

St. John's United Church of Christ -

St. Peter's Lutheran Church -

Sacred Heart Catholic Church - 

TEC Logo - Long.png
Holding Hands
United Methodist Church


3808 12th St

Tillamook, OR 97141

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