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Writer's pictureTillamook UMC

Offering Hope in a Hurting World

Beloved ones in Christ,

As we enter more fully into this season of rainbows and growth, it seems only fitting that we remember our siblings of the many colors, shapes, sizes, backgrounds, faith traditions and many walks of life.

We welcome all people here at Tillamook United Methodist Church!

As our website says, “This is a safe place to explore your faith. We want you to ask questions, to bring your wonder, to bring your inspiration, to bring your creativity, to become curious about your existence, and to join with fellow seekers as we work together to bring healing, comfort, wisdom and hope to a hurting world.

You read the deep longing for peace from Bishop Christian Alsted, who serves in the Central Conference of the Nordic and Eurasian countries on an earlier page here in the newsletter. We know that war often

grows out of a stratification of humanity, when one group values their own existence above another. And we have seen with our own eyes, read in the news, and experienced much of the tumult in which the seeds of hatred have the opportunity to be sown.

I implore you, my dear friends, to seek the ways of wisdom and grace and peace during this Lenten season. As we journey together towards the cross and beyond, let us continue to offer our radical hospitality in worship, extend our hands of assistance and sharing with those in need, and seek out ways in which we can bring deep healing into the community where we live today.

We know that there are many people who are marginalized here in Tillamook. What can we as individuals, and we as a community seeking to follow in the footsteps of Christ provide for our community that will indeed bring forth compassion, welcoming and grace in light of all that we know about our world today?

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